The One Voice Singers choir was the brainchild of Angela Wakeford. Twenty five years ago she turned this spark of an idea into reality with an ad in the local paper idetifying a time and place to meet. Seventy people showed up that first day and the One Voice Singers came into being. 

Angela lead the choir for 10 years, and in 2008 she stepped down, leaving One Voice with the difficult task of replacing her. After an intense search which included rehearsing with each candidate and input from both the search committee and choir, Charles White was selected for the job. According to the selection committee "Everyone fell in love with him."

The pandemic was difficult for most choirs. Rehearsals were suspended and we began to pracice again in the spring of 2022.  We've been pleased to add quite a few new members since then, but are open to additional choristers. 

Currently, the choir has a membership of about 45 singers.  Our repertoire ranges from sacred to secular, folk to contemporary.  We perform anywhere from 3-5 concerts a year in a variety of venues. Most concerts feature guest singers and One Voice has provided scholarships and performance opportunities to aspiring young singers.

New members are always welcome!  If interested please contact our director, Charles White: charles.jan.white@gmail.com


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